src/Social/FrontendBundle/Resources/views/Components/Account/right_sidebar.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% set viewdUser = get_viewed_user() %}
  2. <div class="widget-no-background">
  3.     <div class="widget-body text-center">
  4.         <div class="user-img innerB">
  5.             {% if viewdUser != app.user %}
  6.                 <a href="{{ get_user_profile_url(viewdUser) }}" class="instant-load" target="about">
  7.             {% endif %}
  8.                 {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Photos:profile_photo_single_item.html.twig' with {user: viewdUser, filter: 'user_sidebar_thumb', 'class': 'sidebar'} %}
  9.             {% if viewdUser != app.user %}
  10.                 </a>
  11.             {% endif %}
  12.             {% if viewdUser == app.user %}
  13.                 <span class="dropdown">
  14.                     <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-camera text-muted"></i></a>
  15.                     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Account:profile_picture_upload.html.twig' with {area: 'sidebar' } %}
  16.                 </span>
  17.                 <div id="progress-photo-file" class="progress hidden">
  18.                     <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success hidden"></div>
  19.                 </div>
  20.             {% endif %}
  21.         </div>
  22.         <div class="user-name">
  23.             <h2 class="strong margin-none user-name">
  24.                 <span data-original-title="" data-toggle="tooltip"
  25.                       class="status status-{% if viewdUser.isOnline or viewdUser == app.user %}online{% else %}offline{% endif %}"><i
  26.                             class="fa fa-circle"></i></span>
  27.                 <i class="name-display" data-placement="top" data-original-title="{{ viewdUser }}"
  28.                    data-toggle="tooltip">
  29.                     {{ get_html_entity_safe_split(viewdUser, 18) }}
  30.                 </i>
  31.                 {% if viewdUser.age and viewdUser.username != default_member_profile['username'] %}
  32.                     <span class="age">, {{ viewdUser.age }}</span>
  33.                 {% endif %}
  34. {#                {% if app.user.packageName != 'default' %}#}
  35.                 <span>
  36.                     <i class="fa fa-fw fa-{{ viewdUser.fontAwesomeIconForPackageName() }} {{ viewdUser.packageName }}"
  37.                        data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip"
  38.                        data-original-title="{% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Default:package_display.html.twig' with {user: viewdUser} %}">
  39.                     </i>
  40.                 </span>
  41. {#                {% endif %}#}
  42.                 {% if isBoostedProfile(viewdUser) %}
  43.                     <span class="boost-profile-icon">
  44.                         <i class="fa far fa-rocket" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="{% trans %}has a boosted profile{% endtrans %}"></i>
  45.                     </span>
  46.                 {% endif %}
  47.                 {% if app.user and viewdUser != app.user %}
  48.                     <input type="hidden" value="{{ viewdUser.username }}" id="report_member_name">
  49.                     <input type="hidden" value="{{ getMemberReportReasonSettings() }}" id="report_member_setting_header">
  50.                     <input type="hidden" value="{{ get_user_profile_picture(viewdUser, 'user_sidebar_thumb') }}" id="report_member_image">
  51.                     <span class="dropdown member-menu">
  52.                         <a class="dropdown-toggle btn-report-member" data-toggle="dropdown">
  53.                             <i class="fas fa-ellipsis-v" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Report {{ viewdUser }}"
  54.                                data-toggle="tooltip"></i>
  55.                         </a>
  56.                         <ul class="dropdown-menu block-report-member-ul">
  57.                             <li>
  58.                                 <a class="show-report-member-form-btn" href="javascript:;">
  59.                                     <i class="far fa-ban"></i>
  60.                                     Block  {{ get_html_entity_safe_split(viewdUser, 18) }}
  61.                                 </a>
  62.                             </li>
  63.                             <li>
  64.                                 <a class="show-report-member-form-btn" href="javascript:;">
  65.                                     <i class="far fa-exclamation-circle"></i>
  66.                                     Report  {{ get_html_entity_safe_split(viewdUser, 18) }}
  67.                                 </a>
  68.                             </li>
  69.                         </ul>
  70.                     </span>
  71.                     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Account:report_member_modal.html.twig' with {'member': viewdUser} %}
  72.                 {% endif %}
  73.             </h2>
  74.         </div>
  75.         {% if viewdUser.newLocation or viewdUser.workplace %}
  76.             <div class="profile-icons innerB">
  77.                 {% if viewdUser.newLocation %}
  78.                     <span data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="{{ viewdUser.newLocation.userListing }}"
  79.                           data-placement="top">
  80.                         <i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> {{ viewdUser.newLocation.userListing(17) }}
  81.                     </span>
  82.                 {% endif %}
  83.                 {% if viewdUser.workplace and can_view_user_private_info() %}
  84.                     <span data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="{{ viewdUser.workplace }}"
  85.                           data-placement="top">
  86.                        <i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i> {{ get_html_entity_safe_split(viewdUser.workplace, 17) }}
  87.                     </span>
  88.                 {% endif %}
  89.             </div>
  90.         {% endif %}
  91.         {% if viewdUser != app.user %}
  92.             <div class="btn-group-vertical btn-block user-box with-reload">
  93.                 {% if app.user %}
  94.                     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Friends:user_actions.html.twig' with
  95.                         { user: viewdUser, useShortLabels: false, shouldRemoveUserOnCancelRequest: false, cancelButtonNoFollowUpClass: false,
  96.                             btnSmClass: 'not-existent', btnStrokeClass: 'not-existent', pullRightClassOnAnchor: 'not-existent',
  97.                             pullRightClassOnItalic: 'pull-right', showUsername: false} %}
  98.                 {% else %}
  99.                     <a class="btn btn-success btn-group-vertical friend-request-btn signup-modal-open"
  100.                        data-placement="top"
  101.                        data-original-title="Add Friend" data-toggle="tooltip"
  102.                        {% if app.user is null or app.user is not defined %}href="#modal-signup"
  103.                        {% else %}href="{{ path('fos_user_security_login') }}"{% endif %}>
  104.                         <i class="fa fa-fw fa-user-plus pull-right"></i>{% trans %}Add Friend{% endtrans %}
  105.                     </a>
  106.                 {% endif %}
  107.             </div>
  108.         {% endif %}
  109.     </div>
  110. </div>
  111. {% if app.user and app.user.isFake == true and app.user.invite == true %}
  112.     {# {% if app.user and single_contact_invite_visibility|length and ('all' in single_contact_invite_visibility or app.user.username in single_contact_invite_visibility) %} #}
  113.     <div class="widget">
  114.         <h5 class="innerAll margin-none border-bottom bg-gray">{% trans %}Invite Friend{% endtrans %}</h5>
  115.         <div class="widget-body text-center">
  116.             <form class="form-invite-friend overflow-hidden" method="POST" action="{{ path('social_invite') }}"
  117.                   id="invite-single-contact-frm">
  118.                 <input type="hidden" name="single-contact" value="1"/>
  119.                 <div class="form-group row innertb">
  120.                     <div class="col-sm-12">
  121.                         <input type="email" class="form-control text-center" id="invite-single-contact-txt"
  122.                                aria-describedby="emailHelp" placeholder="{% trans %} add emails here{% endtrans %}"
  123.                                name="emails[]">
  124.                         <small id="emailHelp"
  125.                                class="form-text text-muted">{% trans %}enter your friend's email in the box above{% endtrans %}</small>
  126.                     </div>
  127.                 </div>
  128.                 <div class="row innertb overflow-hidden">
  129.                     <div class="col-xs-12 check-invite-friend-action">
  130.                         <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="contact-invite-agree-terms-chkbox">
  131.                         <label class="form-check-label" for="contact-invite-agree-terms-chkbox">
  132.                             {% trans with {'%tag_start%': '<a href="' ~ url('cms_page_route', {'slug': 'terms-and-conditions' }) ~ '" class="instant-load">', '%tag_end%': '</a>'} %}
  133.                                 I agree with %tag_start%terms and conditions%tag_end%.
  134.                             {% endtrans %}
  135.                             {#{% trans with {'%tag_start%': '<a href="' ~ path('social_terms_conditions') ~ '" class="instant-load">', '%tag_end%': '</a>'} %}
  136.                                 I agree with %tag_start%terms and conditions%tag_end%.
  137.                             {% endtrans %}#}
  138.                         </label>
  139.                     </div>
  140.                 </div>
  141.                 <div class="button-holder" data-placement="top"
  142.                      data-original-title="{% trans %}you must agree to terms and conditions to invite a friend{% endtrans %}"
  143.                      data-toggle="tooltip">
  144.                     <button disabled type="submit" class="btn-invite-friend btn btn-primary align-center disable"
  145.                             id="contact-invite-single-btn">
  146.                         {% trans %}Send Invite{% endtrans %}
  147.                         <i class="fa fa-share" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  148.                     </button>
  149.                 </div>
  150.             </form>
  151.             <div class="text-invite-friend text-center">
  152.                 <p>
  153.                     <b>***</b> {% trans %}If your friend does not respond right away, we will send up to two reminders, on your behalf.{% endtrans %}
  154.                 </p>
  155.             </div>
  156.         </div>
  157.     </div>
  158. {% endif %}
  159. {% if app.user and viewdUser == app.user %}
  160.     <div class="widget">
  161.         <div class="progress {% if app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage != 0 %}collapsed{% endif %}"
  162.              data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseProgress" role="button"
  163.              aria-expanded="{% if app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage == 0 %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"
  164.              aria-controls="collapseProgress">
  165.             <div class="progress-{{ app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage }}">
  166.                 <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
  167.                      aria-valuenow="{{ app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage }}"
  168.                      aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:{{ app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage }}%">
  169.                 <span>
  170.                     {% trans with {'%percentage%': app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage} %}%percentage% % Complete{% endtrans %}
  171.                 </span>
  172.                 </div>
  173.                 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-user fa-user-progressbar" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  174.             </div>
  175.         </div>
  176.         <div id="collapseProgress"
  177.              class="widget-body collapsed collapse {% if app.user.getProfileCompletionPercentage == 0 %}in{% else %}{% endif %}">
  178.             <div class="complet-profile">
  179.                 <ul class="list-unstyle margin-none">
  180.                     <li class="{% if app.user.profileCompletePhotoUpload %}made{% else %}to-made{% endif %}">
  181.                         <i class="fa fa-fw {% if app.user.profileCompletePhotoUpload %}fa-check-square-o{% else %}fa-times{% endif %}"
  182.                            aria-hidden="true"></i>
  183.                         {% if app.user.profileCompletePhotoUpload %}
  184.                             {% trans %}Upload a photo{% endtrans %}
  185.                         {% else %}
  186.                             <a href="{{ path('social_frontend_account_photos') }}" class="instant-load" target="photos">
  187.                                 {% trans %}Upload a photo{% endtrans %}
  188.                             </a>
  189.                         {% endif %}
  190.                     </li>
  191.                     <li class="{% if app.user.profileCompleteMadeFriends %}made{% else %}to-made{% endif %}">
  192.                         <i class="fa fa-fw {% if app.user.profileCompleteMadeFriends %}fa-check-square-o{% else %}fa-times{% endif %}"
  193.                            aria-hidden="true"></i>
  194.                         {% if app.user.profileCompleteMadeFriends %}
  195.                             {% trans %}Made friends{% endtrans %}
  196.                         {% else %}
  197.                             <a href="{{ path('social_frontend_search') }}" class="instant-load" target="search">
  198.                                 {% trans %}Make friends{% endtrans %}
  199.                             </a>
  200.                         {% endif %}
  201.                     </li>
  202.                     <li class="{% if app.user.profileCompleteLikedPhoto %}made{% else %}to-made{% endif %}">
  203.                         <i class="fa fa-fw {% if app.user.profileCompleteLikedPhoto %}fa-check-square-o{% else %}fa-times{% endif %}"
  204.                            aria-hidden="true"></i>
  205.                         {% if app.user.profileCompleteLikedPhoto %}
  206.                             {% trans %}Liked a friend's photo{% endtrans %}
  207.                         {% else %}
  208.                             <a href="{{ path('social_frontend_account_friends') }}" class="instant-load"
  209.                                target="friends">
  210.                                 {% trans %}Liked a friend's photo{% endtrans %}
  211.                             </a>
  212.                         {% endif %}
  213.                     </li>
  214.                     <li class="{% if app.user.profileCompleteSentMessage %}made{% else %}to-made{% endif %}">
  215.                         <i class="fa fa-fw {% if app.user.profileCompleteSentMessage %}fa-check-square-o{% else %}fa-times{% endif %}"
  216.                            aria-hidden="true"></i>
  217.                         {% if app.user.profileCompleteSentMessage %}
  218.                             {% trans %}Sent at least one message{% endtrans %}
  219.                         {% else %}
  220.                             <a href="{{ path('social_frontend_account_messages') }}" class="instant-load"
  221.                                target="messages">
  222.                                 {% trans %}Send at least one message{% endtrans %}
  223.                             </a>
  224.                         {% endif %}
  225.                     </li>
  226.                 </ul>
  227.             </div>
  228.         </div>
  229.     </div>
  230. {% endif %}
  231. {% if creditsPackagesActivated == 0 %}
  232.     {% if app.user and app.user.packageName != 'diamond' %}
  233.         <div class="widget upgrade-right-sidebar-widget {% if app.user.packageName == 'default' and app.user.numberOfMessagesSent < 25 %} hidden {% endif %}">
  234.             <div class="widget-body text-center upgrade-right-sidebar-widget-area">
  235.                 <a class="btn btn-success btn-block btn-ripple-out open-payment-modal-lnky"
  236.                    selected-package="diamond"
  237.                    onclick="showPaymentModalPay(null,'{{ 'diamond' }}',null,'payment-btnSidebar');"
  238.                    title="{% trans %}UPGRADE TO PREMIUM SERVICES{% endtrans %}">{% trans %}UPGRADE TO PREMIUM SERVICES{% endtrans %}</a>
  239.                 <p>{% trans %}Start enjoying our premium features right now!{% endtrans %}</p>
  240.                 <p>{% trans %}With only ~0.56 € per day, you have the chance to get 300% more profile views, and a lot more <a href="#" class="open-diamond-benefits-btn"><u>benefits</u></a>.{% endtrans %}</p>
  241.                 {# <p>{% trans %}See below the list of available features for the <strong>Diamond</strong> #}
  242.                 {# package:{% endtrans %}</p> #}
  243.                 <div class="diamond-benefits-area hidden">
  244.                     <p>
  245.                         These are the benefits of the <i class="fa fa-diamond"></i> Diamond package
  246.                     </p>
  247.                     {% if creditsPackagesActivated %}
  248.                         {{ render(controller('SocialFrontendBundle:Package:getPackageDetailsByName', {'name' : 'pro'})) }}
  249.                     {% endif %}
  250.                 </div>
  251.             </div>
  252.         </div>
  253.     {% endif %}
  254. {% endif %}
  255. <div class="boosted-users">
  256.     {{ render(controller('SocialFrontendBundle:Account:getBoostedUsers')) }}
  257. </div>
  258. <div class="friend-suggestion-div">
  259.     {{ render(controller('SocialFrontendBundle:Account:friendSuggestions')) }}
  260. </div>
  261. {% if app.user and app.user.canDisplayCamsLink %}
  262.     {# <div class="widget">
  263.         <div class="widget-body">
  264.             <a href="#" class="redirect-to-cam">
  265.                 <img class="img-responsive" src="/bundles/socialfrontend/images/cam.gif"/></a>
  266.         </div>
  267.     </div> #}
  268. {% endif %}
  269. <div class="footer-right-sidebar">
  270.     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle::layout_footer_base.html.twig' %}
  271. </div>