src/Social/FrontendBundle/Resources/views/__partials/modal_signup_form_card.twig line 1

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  1. {% if app.user is not defined or app.user is null %}
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  105.     <script type="text/javascript">
  106.         {% if registration_modal_seconds_await is defined and registration_modal_seconds_await in not null %}
  107.         const registrationModalAwait = '{{ registration_modal_seconds_await }}';
  108.         {% else %}
  109.         const registrationModalAwait = 10;
  110.         {% endif %}
  111.         function openSignUpModal() {
  112.             ${
  113.                 items: {
  114.                     src: '#modal-signup',
  115.                     type: 'inline',
  116.                     preloader: false,
  117.                     focus: '#registerGender',
  118.                 }
  119.             });
  120.         }
  121.         $(document).ready(function () {
  122.             $('.signup-modal-open').magnificPopup({
  123.                 type: 'inline',
  124.                 preloader: false,
  125.                 focus: '#registerGender',
  126.             });
  127.             var timeoutSetting = 10 * 1000;
  128.             if (typeof registrationModalAwait !== 'undefined' && registrationModalAwait > 0) {
  129.                 timeoutSetting = registrationModalAwait * 1000;
  130.             }
  131.             setTimeout(function () {
  132.                 ${
  133.                     items: {
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  135.                     },
  136.                     type: 'inline'
  137.                 });
  138.             }, timeoutSetting);
  139.             $('#modal-signup button[type="submit"]').on('click tap', function (event) {
  140.                 event.preventDefault();
  141.                 event.stopPropagation();
  142.                 event.stopImmediatePropagation();
  143.                 var buttonOldContent = $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').html();
  144.                 $('#modal-signup .alert-panel').hide()
  145.                 $('#modal-signup .alert-panel .alert-danger').empty()
  146.                 $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').attr('disabled', true);
  147.                 $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').html('<i class="fad fa-spinner fa-spin fa-spinner" style="width: 100%; text-align: center; color:#fff !important; display: block !important;"></i>');
  148.                 $.ajax({
  149.                     type: 'POST',
  150.                     url: '{{ url('social_user_homepage') }}',
  151.                     data: $(this).closest('form').serialize(),
  152.                     dataType: 'json',
  153.                 }).success(function (response) {
  154.                     if (response.error_flag == true) {
  155.                         $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').attr('disabled', false);
  156.                         $('#modal-signup .fa-spinner').addClass('hide');
  157.                         $('#modal-signup .fa-sign-in').removeClass('hide');
  158.                         for (var topIndex in response.errors) {
  159.                             var currentObject = response.errors[topIndex]
  160.                             for (var innerIndex in currentObject) {
  161.                                 $('#modal-signup .alert-panel .alert-danger').append(
  162.                                     '<li>' + currentObject[innerIndex] + '</li>',
  163.                                 )
  164.                             }
  165.                         }
  166.                         $('#modal-signup .alert-panel').show()
  167.                         $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').html(buttonOldContent);
  168.                         $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').attr('disabled', false);
  169.                         return;
  170.                     }
  171.                     if (response = 'undefined' || response.redirectUrl == 'undefined') {
  172.                         location.href = "{{ url('social_frontend_account') }}";
  173.                     } else {
  174.                         location.href = response.redirectUrl
  175.                     }
  176.                 }).error(function () {
  177.                     $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading .fa-spinner').addClass('hide');
  178.                     $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading .fa-sign-in').removeClass('hide');
  179.                     $('#modal-signup .btn-needs-loading').attr('disabled', false);
  180.                 })
  181.             })
  182.         });
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  184.     <div id="modal-signup"
  185.          class="white-popup-block mfp-hide col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-10 cols-xs-12 col-centered actual-hidden">
  186.         <div class="modal-header">
  187.             <h4 class="modal-title">
  188.                 <div class="logo-details-pack"><h4>{{ 'Yes, registration is free!'|trans }}</h4>
  189.                     <span>{{ 'Register fast and easy.'|trans }}</span></div>
  190.             </h4>
  191.             <button title="Close (Esc)" type="button" class="mfp-close">×</button>
  192.         </div>
  193.         <div class="modal-body">
  194.             <div class="container-fluid">
  195.                 <div class="row">
  196.                     <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 padding-none">
  197.                         <form class="form-horizontal login-form-responsive modal-register-form" role="form"
  198.                               id="modal-register"
  199.                               novalidate="novalidate" action="{{ url('social_user_homepage') }}"
  200.                               method="POST"
  201.                               autocomplete="off">
  202.                             <div class="c-header">
  203.                                 <h3><span class="start-sign-up">{% trans %}Sign up{% endtrans %}</span>
  204.                                     <span class="start-meet">{% trans %}Flirting has never been easier! Create a free account now!{% endtrans %}</span>
  205.                                 </h3>
  206.                             </div>
  207.                             <div role="alert" class="alert-panel" style="display: none">
  208.                                 <ul class="alert alert-danger"></ul>
  209.                             </div>
  210.                             {% include 'SocialUserBundle:Registration:registration_form.html.twig' with {form: form} %}
  211.                         </form>
  212.                     </div>
  213.                     {#<div class="col-details-registration">
  214.                         <div class="row">
  215.                             <div class="col-sm-12">
  216.                                 <div class="row" style="padding: 0 6px">
  217.                                     <div class="col-md-12" style="margin-top: 5px;">
  218.                                         {% render(controller('SocialFrontendBundle:Account:getPopularUsersForModalNonLoggedIn', {request: app.request})) %}
  219.                                     </div>
  220.                                     <div class="col-md-12">
  221.                                         <ul class="list-unstyle details-intro details-intro-section-hidden overflow-hidden hidden">
  222.                                             <li>{% trans %}Meet new people!{% endtrans %}</li>
  223.                                             <li>{% trans %}Start flirting with people you like!{% endtrans %}</li>
  224.                                             <li>{% trans %}Start experiencing new things!{% endtrans %}</li>
  225.                                             <li>{% trans %}Enjoy life!{% endtrans %}</li>
  226.                                         </ul>
  227.                                     </div>
  228.                                     <div class="col-md-12">
  229.                                         <h3 class="headline-text-details-near text-center">
  230.                                             {% trans %}These people from your area are online right now!{% endtrans %}
  231.                                         </h3>
  232.                                     </div>
  233.                                 </div>
  234.                             </div>
  235.                         </div>
  236.                     </div>#}
  237.                 </div>
  238.             </div>
  239.         </div>
  240.     </div>
  241. {% endif %}