src/Social/FrontendBundle/Resources/views/layout_base.html.twig line 1

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  59.         {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Translation:index.html.twig' %}
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  61.             var chanelAuthenticateUrl = '{{ path("social_channel_authentication") }}';
  62.             var siteName = '{{ project_name }}';
  63.             var projectName = '{{ project_name }}';
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  68.                 userLanguage = '{{ app.request.locale }}';
  69.                 browserLanguage = browserLang.split('-').shift();
  70.                 var availableLanguages = JSON.parse('{{ getLocales() | json_encode |raw }}');
  71.                 var changeLanguageUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_change_locale', {'locale': ':locale' }) }}";
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  77.         <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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  119. {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle::image_gallery_utils.html.twig' %}
  120. {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle::ga_code.html.twig' %}
  121. {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle::hotjar_code.html.twig' %}
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  126.         <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
  127.         <script src=""></script>
  128.         <script src=""></script>
  129.         <script type="text/javascript">
  130.             {% set chatAudioActionCredit = constant('Social\\CreditsBundle\\Entity\\CreditActionsEntity::CREDIT_ACTION_CHAT_AUDIO_SEND') %}
  131.             {% set chatVideoActionCredit = constant('Social\\CreditsBundle\\Entity\\CreditActionsEntity::CREDIT_ACTION_CHAT_VIDEO_SEND') %}
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  133.             var creditActionChatVideo = '{{ chatVideoActionCredit }}';
  134.             var isCreditMode = {{ creditsPackagesActivated }};
  135.             var friendSuggestionsAndBoostedUserUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_friendSuggestionsAndBoostedProfiles') }}"
  136.             var triggerBubbleNotificationUrl = "{{ path('social_bubble_notification_trigger') }}"
  137.             var onClickBubbleNotificationUrl = "{{ path('social_bubble_notification_click') }}"
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  139.             var removeBubbleNotificationUrl = "{{ path('social_bubble_notification_remove_on_chat') }}"
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  141.             var swipeProfileLikeUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_like_dislike_swipe_profile') }}"
  142.             var checkUserPermissionForSendChatMediaUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_check_permission_for_send_chat_media') }}"
  143.             var messageMarkAsRealReadUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_message_mark_as_real_read') }}"
  144.             var allMessagesMarkAsRealReadUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_all_messages_mark_as_real_read') }}"
  145.             var pauseMessageAudioAction = "{{ path('social_frontend_pause_message_audio') }}"
  146.             var allowedAudioRecordTime = "{{ getMediaUploadFileInChatSetting(chatAudioActionCredit)['allowedRecordTime'] }}"
  147.             var allowedVideoRecordTime = "{{ getMediaUploadFileInChatSetting(chatVideoActionCredit)['allowedRecordTime'] }}"
  148.             var notDisplayAudioButtonPackages = "{{ getPackagesForNotSendMediaButton(chatAudioActionCredit)|join(", ") }}"
  149.             var notDisplayVideoButtonPackages = "{{ getPackagesForNotSendMediaButton(chatVideoActionCredit)|join(", ") }}"
  150.             var playAudioMessageUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_get_audio_message_url') }}"
  151.             var playVideoMessageUrl = "{{ path('social_frontend_get_video_message_url') }}"
  152.             var recordedAudioUrl = "";
  153.             var recordedVideoUrl = "";
  154.             var currentUser = {};
  155.             {% if app.user %}
  156.             Bugsnag.start({
  157.                 apiKey: '{{ bugsnagApiKey }}',
  158.                 appVersion: '{{ appVersion }}',
  159.                 appType: 'fjs-{{ project_name }}',
  160.                 user: currentUser,
  161.                 onError: function (event) {
  162.                     event.setUser('{{ }}', '{{ }}', '{{ app.user.username }}')
  163.                 }
  164.             });
  165.             {% else %}
  166.             Bugsnag.start({
  167.                 apiKey: '{{ bugsnagApiKey }}',
  168.                 appVersion: '{{ appVersion }}',
  169.                 appType: 'fjs-{{ project_name }}',
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  171.             {% endif %}
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  173.         <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
  174.     {% endjavascripts %}
  175. {% endblock %}
  176. </html>