src/Social/FrontendBundle/Resources/views/layout_middle.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends parent_template() %}
  2. {% block content_all %}
  3.     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Navigation:account_top_navigation.html.twig' %}
  4.     {% block entire_content %}
  5.         {# Let the '':'' in array and do not alter that line - it will mess up the condition with in array #}
  6.         {% set loggedStat = 'not-logged' %}
  7.         {% if app.user %}
  8.             {% set loggedStat = 'logged-in' %}
  9.         {% endif %}
  10.         {% set bodyClassConditions = {
  11.             'social_support' : 'support-page ',
  12.             'social_about_flirto': 'support-page ',
  13.             'social_terms_conditions': 'support-page ',
  14.             'social_privacy': 'support-page ',
  15.             'social_online_safety': 'support-page ',
  16.             'social_frontend_call_window': 'call-window ',
  17.             'social_frontend_call_window_html': 'call-window ',
  18.             '':''
  19.         } %}
  20.         {% set currentActionArray = app.request.get('_controller')|split('::') %}
  21.         {% set controllerStack = currentActionArray|first|split('\\') %}
  22.         {% set partOne = (controllerStack|last)|replace({'Controller': ''}) %}
  23.         {% set partTwo = currentActionArray|last|replace({'Action': ''}) %}
  24.         {% set currentRoute = app.request.get('_route') %}
  25.         {% if app.user %}
  26.             {% set packageName = app.user.packageName|split('-')[0] %}
  27.             {% if (currentRoute != 'social_frontend_swipe_profiles') and (currentRoute != 'social_frontend_account_messages') %}
  28.                 {% if packageName in getAllowedPackagesForSwipe() %}
  29.                     <div class="swipe-icon-part">
  30.                         <a href="{{ path('social_frontend_swipe_profiles') }}">
  31.                             <i class="fa fa-fw fa-hand-holding-heart"></i> <br>
  32.                             swipe
  33.                         </a>
  34.                     </div>
  35.                 {% endif %}
  36.             {% endif %}
  37.         {% endif %}
  38.         <div class="container" id="refresh-token-container"
  39.              data-additional-classes="set-language-user-{{ app.request.locale }} {% if app.request.get('_route') in bodyClassConditions|keys %}{{ bodyClassConditions[app.request.get('__route')] }}{% endif %} {{ loggedStat }} {{ partOne|lower ~ '-' ~ partTwo|lower }}">
  40.             <div class="innerAll">
  41.                 <div class="row">
  42.                     {% if app.user or (not app.user and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search' and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search_refference') %}
  43.                         <div class="col-md-3 col-lg-3 right-sidebar">
  44.                             {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Account:right_sidebar.html.twig' %}
  45.                         </div>
  46.                     {% endif %}
  47.                     <div class="{% if app.user or (not app.user and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search' and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search_refference') %}col-lg-9 col-md-9{% else %}col-lg-12 col-md-12{% endif %}">
  48.                         {% if app.user %}
  49.                             {% set packageName = app.user.packageName|split('-')[0] %}
  50.                             {% if (not isBoostedProfile(app.user)) and app.user.packageName and displayBannerInLeftBar() and packageName != "default" and (packageName in getPackagesForDisplayBannerInLeftBar()) %}
  51.                                 <div class="layout-middle-boost-banner">
  52.                                     {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Search:layout_middle_boost_profile.html.twig' %}
  53.                                 </div>
  54.                             {% endif %}
  55.                         {% endif %}
  56.                         <div class="flash-messages"></div>
  57.                         {% if app.user or (not app.user and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search' and app.request.get('_route') != 'social_frontend_search_refference' ) %}
  58.                             {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Components/Account:cover_photo_and_submenu.html.twig' %}
  59.                         {% endif %}
  60.                         {% block content %}{% endblock %}
  61.                         <div class="footer-main-container hidden-md hidden-lg">
  62.                             {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle::layout_footer_base.html.twig' %}
  63.                         </div>
  64.                     </div>
  65.                 </div>
  66.             </div>
  67.         </div>
  68.         {% include 'SocialFrontendBundle:Search:cancel_user_deletion_request_modal.html.twig' %}
  69.     {% endblock %}
  70.     <script type="text/javascript">
  71.       var acceptedFilesErrMsg = '{{ "The image could not be loaded. You need to upload images that have the extension: jpg, jpeg, png." | trans }}'
  72.       var acceptedAudioFilesErrMsg = '{{ "The audio could not be loaded. You need to upload audio that have the extension: mp3, mp4, wav." | trans }}'
  73.     </script>
  74. {% endblock %}